Chapter 71 to 137

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The Rishi said, formerly the Asuras, Sumbha, and Nisumbha, by the strength of inebriation possessed the whole portion of the sacrifices of the three worlds. They likewise usurped the powers of Indra, Surya, Kubera, Yama, Varuna, Sakra, likewise Pavana, Vunhi; the deities

1 Vishnu 2 Sasadhara – literally, hare-holder, the moon.

were beaten by them and deprived of their realms and fled. He assumed the authority of Tridasas, expelled them all; the mighty Suras being deserted recollected the goddess. “Thou hast bestowed this favour on all of us, that if we shall remember thee in the hour of danger, that thou shalt remove the peril from us.” Thus they meditated on the goddess in their hearts and repaired to Himavant, (king of mountains) there they greeted the goddess of the illusion of Vishnu. The Devas said, we salute the great goddess, maker of joy, and continually prostrate ourselves and pay homage to the auspicious matter; we humbly bow to the pious. Salutation be for ever to Radri, reverence be to the Dhatri, eternal prostration to the light, to the form of the moon and beatitude; twice obeisance to the prosperous, to the prolonger, maturer, and Kurme. Twice salutation to the Niruta supporter of the earth, and the goddess of riches, Sarvani. Twice salutation to Durga, remover of difficult limits; constant salutations to the renowned one, likewise to the sable and dusky. Twice salutation to the ample, the mild and the austere; prostration to the establisher of the world and to the goddess. Five times salutation to the goddess who is called an illusion of Vishnu in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the mind in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the intellect in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is repose in all creatures. Five times prostration to the goddess, who is the appetite in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the shadow in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is a power in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is gratification in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is mercy in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is a caste in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is modesty in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is pity in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the faith in all creatures. Five time salutation to the goddess, who is splendour in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the form of prosperity in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the intellect in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is the memory in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who lives as favour in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess who lives as joy in all creatures. Five times salutation to the, goddess who exists as a mother in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who lives as a form of delusion in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who exists as wisdom in all creatures. Five times salutation to the goddess, who is above the organs and eternally pervades through all creatures; We salute the goddess who resides in all the world as a form of effulgence. Suras, Indra, Dinesa assembled together and prayed to her according to their former request. O goddess! causer of happiness; bestow prosperous blessings on us; dispel the danger that encompasseth us. We and the Suras salute thee. Destroy the proud Daityas whoever contemplates thee with obeisance, their misfortunes shall be instantly removed. The Rishi said, when the deities applauded Parvati, O prince! she went to perform ablution in the water of Janhavi. She asked them, “Whom did you greet there.” The resplendent Siva emanated from her body, and spoke thus to her. “They recited my praises, because they were expelled by the giant Sumbha, all the deities retreated before Nisumbha in the war.” From the body of Parvati, Amvika issued, and was denominated Kouciki throughout the universe. When she had emanated from Parvati, (who turned black), she was called Kouciki and resorted about Himachala. Her transcendent form beautiful, and creating admiration was seen by Chanda and Munda, who were attendants of Sumbha and Nisumbha. They mentioned to Sumbha, O great sovereign! there is a beautiful female, exalted on the Himachala mountain, she charms the heart of all beholders. There is no shape resembling her yet seen by any body. Find out who she is and pass that angelic female. That charming body is a gem among the damsels, glowding in all directions; O Indra of the giants! it remains for thee to behold her. O Lord! you have already stored in your mansion, all the precious gems of these three worlds; steeds and elephants. The elephant Airavata, you have brought from Purandara, or Indra, the tree Parijata, likewise the steed Ucchaisrava. The car with divine swans remains in your mansion, which was made of precious stones to the astonishment of Veda, you have brought the Nidhi and Maha-Padma from the god of riches. The ocean has conferred on you the lotus and a garland of unfading lotus. The gold shedding umbrella of Varuna is in your house, and so is the excellent vehicle of Prajapati, who passed it formerly. You took the Sakti, by name

Utcranta, the cord of the king of waters, was occupied by your brother. Vanhi has bestowed on Nisumbha, all sorts of gems found in the sea at the time of his performing his holy rites. O sovereign of the demons! you have acquired all the precious articles; why do you not take this auspicious female gem. The Rishi said, Sumbha was constantly listening to the speech of Chanda and Munda; the mighty giant sent a messenger Sugriva, to the goddess. Said he, “go and tell her that I want her; convey my errand swiftly, effect the mandate you are sent upon, pleasing her in any manner.” He proceeded to the mountain, where the auspicious was stationed, and delivered the message to the goddess, endeavouring to move her with mellifluous accents. The Duta said, O Goddess! Sumbha is the lord of the Daityas, he is a mighty sovereign of the three worlds, I am his messenger sent by him hither. He has perpetual and unbounded authority over all the deities, he has conquered all the foes of Daityas, hear what he says. I possess all the deities of the three worlds, and receive solely all the sacrificial oblations. I have gained the excellent gems of the three worlds; the precious elephant of Indra, he humbly delivered to me. I am lord also of the horse, named Ucchaisrava, which was producted from the milky ocean, when the mighty Suras churned it. All the precious things found among the deities, Gandharvas and Nagas are mine. The world esteems thee, O Goddess! as a female gem come to us and we will wear thee. O thou of the darting glance! choose either me or my valorous younger brother Nisumbha, who are the possessors of the gems. You shall gain abundant and unmeasured wealth by taking me; consider and be wise, and forthwith possess me. “The Rishi said,” the goddess with a disdainful smile, replied to him. “Devi said,” what you have declared is true, there is no falsehood in your speech. Sumbha is lord of the three worlds, and so is Nisumbha. But how can I repeal my determined vow, hear what I formerly swore to without consideration. That whoever can vanquish me in combat, whoever can oppress my pride, whoever is equal to me in vigour in this world: he shall be my husband. Whether Sumbha, or the mighty demon Nisumbha, call them here to conquer me, I will seize their hands without delay. The messenger said, how do you arrogantly say this in my presence, is there any individual in the three worlds able to cope with Sumbha and Nisumbha. All the deities united were unable to withstand the giants in the war, then how canst thou, a single woman, resist them. Indra and all the other deities could not cope with him; how could it be possible for Sumbha to enter into the presence of a woman? You will be obliged at last to go, disgracefully dragged by the hair, to Sumbha and Nisumbha. Devi said, “is such the vigour of Sumbha, and is such the great valor of Nisumbha! I have formerly resolved and vowed without deliberation, what can I do now? Go directly and reveal to your master all that I spoke, and appeal to the Indra of demons; and let them do what is expedient. Thus far is related in the fifth Chapter, containing the conversation of the goddess and messenger.