Chapter 71 to 137

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MARKANDEYA said: – O Muni, when that egg was rent asunder, the Riks first originated from the mouth of the unborn Brahma. (1) They were of the hue of Java flowers and were endowed with energy and form. They were invested with darkness and were separate form each other. (2) From his that mouth that was towards the south came out without any obstruction Yayus – they were of the hue of gold and unconnected with each other. (3) Then from the western mouth of Parameshth Brahma came out the Samans accompanied by their respective metres. (4) Then from the northern mouth of the creator came out the endless

Atharvans that were dark like the black-bees and collyrium. They were divided into Abhicharika and Skantikas, permeated by joy, goodness and ignorance and were of the forms both gentle and otherwise. (5-6) O Muni, Riks were permeated by the quality of darkness, the Samanas by that of ignorance and Atharvanas by both goodness and ignorance. (7) They, all burning in unparalleled effulgence, continued to exist separately as before. (8) Then the effulgence, which emanated from the nature of the prime effulgence that is designated as Om, covering it wholly, existed. (9) O great Muni, the effulgence of Yayush, being united with that of Saman, began to exist in the great effulgence. (10) Thus O Brahman, Shantika, Peshthika and Abhicharika these three ended in Rik, Yayush and Saman. (11) By it as soon as the darkness was dispelled the whole universe became clear and accordingly the down, up and oblique sides were distinctly perceived. (12) Then the best effulgence, of the metres forming a circle, was united with the great effulgence, O Brahman. (13) Because it emanated from Aditya it was called so. O great one, that undecaying energy is the cause of this universe. (14) Rik, Yayush and Saman these three shed effulgence in the morning, noon and afternoon. (15) Riks give it in the morning, Yayush in the noon and Saman in the afternoon, O foremost of Munis. (16) Santika enters into Rik in the morning, Pounchika into Yayush in the noon and Abhicharika into Saman in the afternoon. (17) The ceremonies for the manes should be performed in the noon and morning by the Abhicharika and in the afternoon by Saman. (18) At the time of creation Brahma is identical with Rik, at the time of preservation Vishnu is identical with Yayush and at the time of dissolution Rudra is identical with Saman, and therefore he (Rudra) is considered impure for a sacrifice. (19) Therefore the Divine sun is identical with the Vedas, is the stay of the Vedas and is mentioned as the Great Purusha having the knowledge of the Vedas. (10) Therefore he is the cause of the creation, preservation and destruction and passes under the appellation of Brahma, Vishnu and others by resorting to the qualities of darkness, goodness, etc.,. (21) He has the Vedas as his form, the entire host of mortals for his forms and is without it. He is the Prime and the support of the universe. He is light and comprehended by Vedanta and is the greatest of the great and the gods always chant his glories. (22)