Markandeya said: – Thereupon Karandhama heard of his son being fettered as well as his wife and other heroes of his party. (1) Then hearing of his son being taken away by unfair means by all the kings of the earth, O great Muni, the king engaged in meditation. (2) Some of the kings said that all those kings, by whom he had been fettered by unfair means in battle, should be slain. (3) “Arrange soon the army” said others “what is the use of waiting. The wicked Vishala should be slain as well as others who have assembled there”. (4) Others said that the morality was not observed here by Avikshata, for she, not wishing him, was taken away by unfair force. (5) In that Swayamvara where numberless kings (were present) that princess was imposed upon by him and he was overpowered by them all collectively”. (6) Hearing those words that heroic (queen) the mother of a heroic son, the wife of a heroic husband, and who had descended from a heroic family, was pleased; and she said before her husband and other kings: – “The kings were treated well by my son who (always) does good. Taking away that girl by force and vanquishing all the kings, he fought for her. To fight with one alone is not fair. Besides, I do not see any blame on the part of my son that may lead to the destruction of his glory. (7-9) This constitutes manliness for him who does not observe morality. Even a lion, who kills creatures, does not consider it fair. (10) That maiden, who was present at the Swayamvara, was taken away by my son in the presence of many respectable kings. (11) Who, born in the race of a Kshatriya, begs – a practice resorted to by the mean. A Kshatriya takes (a thing) by force in the presence of the powerful. (12) They (even), when fettered with iron chains, and assailed, do not seek protection; even the pious kings do (things) by force. (13) Therefore, useless it is to be sorry; praiseworthy is his being fettered and as well as the fall of weapons on your heads. (14) Even if taken stealthily the earth, sons, wealth, wife and preceptors of the kings become sources of their glory. (15) Therefore proceed quickly to the battle; get up on your chariots and arrange without delay horses, elephants and charioteers. (16) Are you thinking of the fight with many kings? Does a little fight lead to the satisfaction of a heroe. (17) Who is not capable of fighting with a small number of kings, whom even the afflicted amongst the enemies does not fear? (18) He is the heroe who discomfits all the worlds like the sun dispelling darkness”. (19)
Markandeya said: – O Muni, having been thus urged on by his wife, the king Karandhama made military arrangements for the destruction of his son’s enemies. (20) O great saint, then there took place an encounter between the king Vishala whose son had been imprisoned
and those innumerable kings. (21) There continued for three days the battle between the king Karandhama and all those kings following Vishala. (22) After all the kings had been defeated, Vishala with Arghya in his hand, arrived before Karandhama. (23) Being worshipped by that king and pleased with him and on his son being released Karandhama spent the night happily. (24) When Vishala, with the daughter, arrived there, Avikshita, O sage, spoke before his father, for marriage: (25) “O king, I shall not take her or any other damsel who had been seen by others. I had been also defeated in battle. (26) I shall confer her upon some body else. Let some one, whose fame is unsullied, who is powerful and who has not been insulted by his enemies, pray for her. (27) I was defeated by my enemies and belaboured by them like a poor woman. Where is manliness for me? My heart does not belong to her. (28) Men are always independent, only the females are dependant. Where is manliness, for him who is dependant? (29) How can he, who had been before her very eyes thrown on the ground by other kings, see her again. How can I see her”? (30) Having been thus addressed by his son the king said to him: – “I have heard your word, O my son, high-souled as you are. (31) O auspicious damsel, select any other husband whom you like. O you of beautiful looks, I shall confer upon you a habitation wherever you like under the Sun”. (32)
The Girl said: – O king, he has been defeated by many in a battle destructive of his fame and prowess. But they did not act fairly. (33) Having confronted many in battle like a lion he displayed his most excellent heroism. (34) He not only stood in battle. And although defeated by so many in battle he displayed his prowess. (35) He is endowed with bravery and prowess. He fought with all the kings in fair battle but they vanquished him unfairly. Where is the shame then? (36) O father, it is not by his beauty only that I have come to love him, but my mind has been attracted by his heroism, prowess and patience. (37) What is the use of speaking more. Beg him for me, O king. Save this high-minded one, no one else shall be my husband.” (39)
VISHALA said: – O prince, really my daughter has given vent to most excellent words. There is no other prince like thee on the surface of the earth. (39) Incomparable is thy heroism and great is thy prowess. By taking this daughter of mine, do thou purify my race. (40)
THE PRINCE said: – O king, I shall not take her nor any other damsel. The thought of a woman shall be concentrated on me only, O king. (41)
Markandeya said: – Thereupon Karandhama said: – “O my son, take her; the fair daughter of Vishala has been firmly attached to thee”. (42)
The prince said: – “O lord, I had never before violated thy command. Therefore order me, my father, I shall carry out thy mandate”. (43) (Beholding) the prince firmly made up against his daughter Vishala, having his mind agitated, said to her: -(44) “Take away your mind, O daughter, from him. Select any other husband. There are many other princes”. (45)
The Girl said: – “O father, if he does wish to take me, I shall, after carrying on penances, pray for this boon that even in other births, I may not have any other husband”. (46) Thereupon having spent there in delight three days, the king Karandhama repaired to his own city. (47) Having been consoled by his father, other kings and the citizens, with various tokens Avikshita too repaired to his own city. (48) Repairing to woods, divorced from her own relations, abstaining from food and cherishing most excellent disgust for the world that maiden too carried on penances. (49) Abstaining from food for three months and suffering from great affliction she was reduced and her veins were weakened. (50) Having lost all energy and desirous of dying that maiden princess, of a slender body, made up her mind to forsake her life. (51) Thereupon coming to know that she had made up her mind to put an end to herself the celestials sent their emissary to her. (52) Approaching the princess the emissary said to her: – “Hear, for what I have been sent to you by the gods. (53) You should not renounce the body which it is so difficult to get; you will be the mother of a Lord Paramount.
(55) O great lady, having slain all his enemies, and with his commands never battled he will enjoy for long this earth consisting of seven insular continents. (55) He will kill first Tarujit, the enemy of the gods as well as the dreadful Ayas-Shanku. And he will establish his subjects in morality. (56) By him will be slain the robbers, Mlechas as well as other wicked people. (57) O
lady, he will perform various sacrifices, sixty-thousand in number, such as horse-sacrifice and others, finished with profuse gifts.” (68) Beholding him stationed in the sky and adorned with celestial garlands and pastes the princess said gently to the emissary of the gods: (59) “True it is, O emissary of the gods, that thou hast come here from the celestial region. There is no doubt in this. But how without a husband a son will be born to me? (60) I have taken this vow in the presence of my sire that save Avikshita no one else will be my husband even in another birth. (61) He does not (however) want me. He was requested by my father, by Karandhama, as well as by myself”. (62)
The Emissary of the Gods said: – What is the use of speaking more, O great lady? A son will be born to thee. Do not commit the sin of renouncing thy own life. (63) Live in this forest and nourish thy weak body. By virtue of asceticism thou shalt fare well.” (64) Having said this the emissary of the gods repaired where he came from. That lady of beautiful eye-brows daily nourished her own body. (65)