Chapter 71 to 137

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Markandeya said: – Thereupon taking that dear son and followed by Vipras and Gandharvas on foot the prince went to his own city. (1) Having reached his father’s house he saluted his

feet with reverence. And so did the bashful thin-built princess. (3) Then taking the boy the prince said to king Karandhama seated on the throne of justice in the midst of all kings. (3) “Behold now the face of your grandson seated on your lap as promised by me in the Kimichaka vow of my mother”. (4) Having said this and placed the boy on his father’s lap he described, in full, everything to him. (5) Then seeing his grandson and having his eyes filled with tears of joy he again and again spoke highly of himself, saying “fortunate I am.” (6) Thereupon forgetting every other important business he delightedly, with Arghya, honored all the Gandharvas who had come there. (7) Thereupon there took place in the houses of all citizens a great festivity, who all thought, “A son is born to us and not to him.” (8) That city being delighted and filled with the singing and music of beautiful damsels, other women, of exquisite beauty, began to dance. (9) The king delightedly made unto the leading twice-born gifts of jewels, riches, kine, raiments and ornaments. (10) That boy grew up like the moon in the light half of the month. He gave delight to his parents and was loved by his people. (11) O Muni, he first took lessons in the Vedas from the preceptors and then in numberless scriptures and then in the science of archery. (12) He was always energetic in the use of swords and bow; and that heroe never felt tired in the use of other weapons too. (13) Thereupon, O Vipra, being humble and reverent towards his preceptor he took lessons in arms from Bhargava of Bhrigu’s race. (14) Having learnt the use of arms, mastered the Vedas and seen the other end of archery he became highly accomplished in all branches of learning. (15) Vishala too, having heard all of his daughter and of the proficiency of her son, had his mind filled with joy. (16) Having seen his grandson and obtained his desired-for object the king performed many sacrifices and gave away gifts to many. (17) Having performed many ceremonies, the king, gifted with strength and intellect (as he was) and (ever) vanquishing his enemies, piously ruled the earth with the help of his own caste people. (18) Then desirous of returning into the forest he said to his son Avikshita: – “O son, I have grown old. I shall therefore go to the forest; take from me this kingdom. (19) I have no other (desire) save your installation. Do you take from me this well established kingdom which I offer you”. (20) Thus accosted by his father, the prince Avikshita, having his mind bent upon going to the forest for carrying on penances, said humbly to him: (21) “O father, I shall not rule over this earth. My mind does not find pleasure in kingdom. Appoint (therefore) another man. (22) When I was enchained I was released by my father not by my own prowess. Where is then manliness for me and the earth is to be governed by manliness. (23) How can I, who could not protect my own self, preserve this earth? Therefore confer this kingdom upon some body else. (24) How can the man, who had been overpowered by others and who had been released by you from the bow, observe the duty of his own order? How can I, who have the nature of a female, be a king?” (25)

The Father said: – There is no distinction between a father and a son. As is the father so is the son. O heroe, you were not released by any one else but by your father. (26)

The Son said: – O king, I cannot change my mind otherwise. There is a great shame in my mind since I was released by you. (27) He, who enjoys the riches acquired by his father, who has been saved from difficulty by his father, whose name is made known by his father, is not born in the race of mankind. (28) I will follow the conduct of those who acquire riches for themselves with reputation and remove themselves their own difficulties. (29)

Markandeya said: – O Muni, when repeatedly requested by his father he said so the king placed his son Marutta on the throne. (30) Having obtained this kingdom, with the consent of his father, from his grandfather he fully contributed to the joy of his kinsmen. (31) King Karandhama too, restraining his mind, body and speech, retired to woods with Veera for carrying on hard austerities for a thousand years and then renouncing his body the king repaired to the region of Sakra. (33) His wife Veera, covered with matted locks and impurities, carried on penances for another hundred celestial years. (34) Wishing the same region with her high-souled lord in heaven, she lived on fruits and roots, resided in the hermitage of Bhargava in the midst of the wives of the twice-born and engaged herself in their service. (35)