Chapter 71 to 137

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Markandeya said: – O great one, the daughter of Vishwakarman was the wife of the sun, by name Sajna who begat on her a son, by name Manu, who, illustrious as he was, was equally a master of various branches of learning. He was the son of Vivaswat and was therefore called Vaivaswata. (1-2) As soon as she was espied by the sun Sajna used to close her eyes and therefore he, in anger, addressed to her cruel words: (3) “Since, O stupid one, you close yours eyes as soon as I cast my looks on you therefore will you give birth to Yama, the destroyer of creatures.” (4) Thereupon the goddess, stricken with fear, assumed trembling looks, at which the sun again said to her. (5) “Since beholding me, you have assumed trembling looks you will give birth, as your daughter, to the fickle river.” (6) Thus by the imprecation of her husband she gave birth to Yama and the great river celebrated under the name of Yamuna. (7) Henceforth she, with great difficulty, began to suffer the effulgence of

the sun. And unable to bear it she began to think. (8) “What shall I do? Where shall I go? Repairing where can I get respite and be not subject to the ire of my husband?” (9) Thus meditating in many ways the great daughter of the Patriarch thought well of the protection of her father. (10) Thereupon bent on going to her father’s house the illustrious (goddess) converted her own body into the favourite shadow of the sun and said to her. “Do thou, like me, live in the abode of the sun and like wise shouldst thou behave thyself towards the sun and his offspring. (11-12) Even when accosted thou shouldst not tell him of my departure. On the other hand thou shouldst always tell him. “I am Sajna.”. (13)

The illusory Sajna said: – “O goddess, I shall carry out thy mandate so long the sun does not pull me by the hair or imprecate a curse on me; I shall relate the story when he will pull me by the hair or curse me”. (14) Having been thus addressed the goddess repaired to her father’s abode and saw there Twastri who had all his sins washed away by ascetic observances. (15) She was received with great honour by Vishwakarman and that blameless lady too lived for some time in her father’s house. (16) Thereupon having greeted his daughter of beautiful limbs who had not lived there for a long time with great love and honor (he said):

(17) – “When I behold thee, my girl, even many livelong years appear as the half of a moment. But virtue is disappearing. (18) It is not praiseworthy for females to live long in the house of her relations; and it is the desire of their kinsmen that the women may live in the house of their husbands. (12) Thou hast been wedded to the Sun the lord of the three worlds. It does not behove thee, O my girl, to live for ever in the house of thy husband. (20) Do thou therefore repair to the house of thy father. I have been pleased with thee and do adore thee. Come again, O auspicious girl, to see me. (21)

Markandeya said: – Having been thus addressed by her sire, O ascetic, she said “So be it”; and then having worshipped her father she repaired to Uttarakuru. (22) Thereupon reluctant to bear the effulgence of the Sun and afraid of his rays, she, having assumed the form of a mare, engaged in ascetic observances. (33) Thereupon regarding her as Sajna the Sun begat on his second wife two sons and a highly beautiful daughter. (24) The illusory Sajna did not manifest that excessive affection towards the sons and daughter of Sajna as she did towards her own offspring. (25) She daily looked after their own comforts. Manu forgave her for this but Yama could not do so. (26) Then to strike her he raised up his foot in anger – and then immediately stricken with mercy he did not let it fall on her person. (27) Thereupon, O twice-born one, the illusory Sajna, with her palms trembling and lips expanded in anger, imprecated a curse on Yama: (28) “Since, out of irreverence thou hast raised a foot against me who am thy father’s wife thy that very foot shall drop off to-day”. (29) Having thus heard of the curse thus imprecated by his mother and been stricken with fear Yama approached his sire and having saluted him said: (30) – “It is a great wonder, O father, never witnessed by any that a mother, relinquishing all affection, imprecates a curse on her son. (31) Me thinks, as does Manu hold, that she is not our mother, for even when a son grows unnatural a mother does not become so”. (32) Hearing Yama’s words the Divine Sun sent for the illusory Sajna and asked her where Sajna had gone. (33)

Whereto she replied: – “O Sun, I am the daughter of Twastri, Sajna, thy wife and the mother of all these children”. (34) Although accosted by the Sun in many ways she did not communicate any thing else. Then the Sun in anger-addressed himself to imprecate a curse.

(35) Thereat she communicated everything truly to the Sun. Informed of all the Sun repaired to the abode of the divine Twastri. (36) Thereupon he worshipped the Sun with great reverence, adored of the three worlds who had come to his house. (37) Then when questioned about Sajna, Vishwakarma told him: – “Despatched by thee she came to my house”. (38) Then having concentrated his mind the Sun saw her, carrying on ascetic observances in the form of a mare in the province of Uttarakuru. (39) The Sun then came to know of the object of her penances namely, “May my husband become of a mild form and the performer of auspicious deeds”. (40) The Sun then, O twice-born one, said to Vishwakarma, the father of Sajna, “do thou to-day losen the fierceness of my rays. (41) Vishwakarma then reduced the effulgence of the Sun who travels over a year and the deities then began to hymn him. (42)