Shakti Healing Kundalini Yoga Exercise

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Shakti Healing Kundalini Yoga Exercise

In the Puranic book Devi Sanatan amrit written in Hindi language available on Amazon, link – , Chapter 14, Devi geeta, (Page no 139), Sub chapter, Yog marg ke aadhar chakra tatha unke beej akshar (Page no 248) and sub chapter kundalini activation technique (page no 249), Devi herself has described, different chakras, and techniques to activate them. Based on which, Shakti Healing Kundalini Yoga exercises are designed. These exercises are very simple which will help you strengthen your different chakras. Thus giving you good physical and mental health, which will help you, in all round development and living a very healthy and prosperous life. These exercises should be done, empty stomach in the morning after taking permission from your local family physician based on your current health condition. If you are suffering from any health condition, please don’t do any of the exercises without consulting your family physician.

1 – Root Chakra Exercise – मूलाधार चक्र व्यायाम

Stand with feet joined together. Breathe normally. Keep your hands on your knees, and gently rotate your knees in clockwise direction for 9 times, then repeat the same in anticlockwise direction. If you are unable to reach your knees, keep your hands on thighs and try to do the same motion. This exercise works out the knee joint, hip joint, sacro-iliac joint.

Helps in grounding and maintaining optimal health of root chakra.

2 – Sacral Chakra Exercise – स्वादिष्ठान चक्र व्यायाम

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Breathe normally . Keep your hands on your waist. Gently move your entire pelvic area in clockwise circular motion for 9 times, then move it in anticlockwise circular motion for 9 times. This exercise works out the hip joint, Sacro-iliac joint, pelvic muscles, muscles of the back and helps in maintaining optimal health of the Sacral chakra.

3A – Solar Chakra Exercise – मणिपूर चक्र व्यायाम

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Breathe normally . Hang your hands freely . Now gently tilt sideways on your left side and try to reach the lateral aspect of the left knee. Don’t lean forward, bend sideways only on both the sides for 9 times. This exercise works out the diaphragm , muscles of the torso, back and spine. It helps in keeping the Solar Chakra in optimal health.

3B – Solar Chakra Exercise – मणिपूर चक्र व्यायाम

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Breathe normally . Join you fists together in front of the chest as shown in the image and move your entire upper body towards the left and right . Note that the upper body and neck should move in alignment. Repeat for 9 counts. This exercise works out the diaphragm , muscles of the torso, back and spine. It helps in keeping the Solar Chakra in optimal health.

4 – Heart Chakra Exercise – अनाहत चक्र व्यायाम

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Breathe normally .gently rotate both the arms in clockwise direction for 9 times and then in anticlockwise direction. This exercise works out the chest and shoulder muscles and helps in keeping the Heart Chakra in optimal health.

5 – Throat Chakra Exercise – विशुद्धी चक्र व्यायाम

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Breathe normally . Gently move your head up and down for 9 times. Then moving your head look to your left and then right. Do this 9 times. Gently rotate your head in clockwise direction and anticlockwise direction for 9 times each. This exercise works out all the muscles of the neck and the cervical spine. It helps to keep the throat chakra in optimal health.

6 – Third Eye Chakra Exercise – आज्ञा चक्र व्यायाम

Breath normally. Rotate your eyes in clockwise direction for 9 times and then repeat in anticlockwise direction. This works our the ocular muscles and keeps the Third eye chakra in optimal health.

7 – Crown Chakra Exercise – सहस्त्रार चक्र व्यायाम

This exercise is an ancient yogic process which has been practised from ages by the people in India. This simple exercise is called Thoppu Karanam.

Derived from the words “Thorpe” meaning hands and “Karanam” meaning ears, Thoppukaranam is believed to improve the concentration of the mind and to activate the parts of the brain which then helps in one attaining a higher sense of alertness. As per the Hindu Yogis, this practice activates the brain’s energy connections. It helps in achieving a supreme level of consciousness through a simple process which helps in maintain the optimal health of the Crown Chakra .

Also, In auriculo therapy, it is believed that the whole body is universally represented on the auricular surface (i.e. surface of the ear), so by pressing the lobule of the ear most of the diseases can be treated. In short, this system is also helpful in the prevention and treatment of all diseases.

Method –

1. Stand erect with your feet slightly apart so that you have a good sense of stability and balance.

2. Let your hands rest by your sides and perform a few rounds of slow and deep breathing to centre yourself.

3. Raise your right hand and catch hold of your left earlobe with the thumb in the front and the index finger on the back of the earlobe.

4. Raise your left hand and catch hold of your right earlobe in a similar manner with the thumb on the front and the index finger on the back of the ear lobe.

5. You can choose to keep your eyes open to maintain balance or close them to make the practice more introspective.

6. Take in a slow deep breath while in the standing position.

7. Breathe out and slowly descend, bending through hips, knees, and ankles, and stopping when knees reach a 90°angle. Try to keep your torso as erect as possible throughout the practice so that the energy can flow in a seamless manner.

8. As you take in the next breath, come back up to the standing position letting the breath “lift you” upwards.

9. Breathing normally, press and release both the ear lobules three times. Repeat step number 7 and 8. Do this 27 times.

12. After completing the practice relax in the standing position with your arms by your sides.

Note – Keep the back in a neutral position and abdominal muscles tight during the exercise. Do not flatten the curve of the lower back or arch back. Keep knees centred over feet while going down. Do not let knees roll inward or outward. Keep movements smooth and controlled with normal breathing.